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Friday, December 18, 2009

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

I am thoroughly impressed with all of the businesses that are saying "Merry Christmas" rather than "Happy Holidays"! I love it! It really makes a difference when you hear businesses acknowledging the true meaning of the season.

So Christmas is right around the corner and I dont have a lot of the shopping done, or I am waiting on it to come in the mail. Is it just me or has Christmas kind of lost its magic? The only thing that makes me feel reconnected is the Christmas Eve Service. I love singing and hearing Gods word. I also love love love the candles all lit up as we sing "Oh Holy Night" or some grayt song that really reflects why we celebrate in the first place.

Well I didnt have much to say other than that. I'll leave you to reflect on that. Remember the reason for the season and...

Merry Christmas from the Grays and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First post EVER...

So I am a little nervous about this. Sharing all of me on the world wide web, eeeek! But I am just going to put it out there, here it is my confession are you ready?!?!

*shouting from the rooftop* "I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER!"
Therefore, on this site all you are going to get are silly stories about Justin and I and what is going on in our daily lives. As of today we have been married for 52 days and loving every minute of it.
We have all of our appliances now. Thanks to all of our friends and family who blessed us with the money to get it.
Marriage is hard and fun and well, work. Every day it is work. And of course I love it, I love doing his laundry, and dishes, and having someone to do those with side by side. Sometimes I even just love having someone next to me playing Modern Warfare 2 while I play around on my computer. (like what may be going on now)
I know everyone says they have the best husband but really I found the perfect fit.

Oh if you need a grayt computer repair, clean-up, rebuild, etc. I may know a guy. ;-) www.graytexperts.com 

And my own personal advertisement: Carolen Gray Salon
I work Tuesday -Saturday (late on Thursday nights) All my information (including a price list) will be on the website... give me a call